Sunday, December 11, 2011


I can't decide on what class to role for Sith. Is it true that 'stealth' is considered nooby and for people who are scared? I wanna be a boss in PvP. Please give me some class advice.

Answers:hy do you care what other people think? If you can win, and you like to be stealthy, then do it, its your character. for me i wanna be a Sith Warrior. i love lightsaber duels, idk care if someone calls me a noob cuz i wanna just run up and start slashing at people. its what I wanna do.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Star Wars The Old Republic Background Information?

Can someone please tell me all the events that lead to episode one. I don't need it in great detail I just want to know the background for when I play The Old Republic?

Answering your questions WILL GIVE SPOILERS, especially inquiries into the lore. Figure I'd add that.

As for your question on kotr, I'm not acquanted with the technical possibilities, nor exactly where you are in the story. However, if you've had your bar maxed out for a long time, or have done a lot of side quests, I figure it may be very difficult. Usually however, in bioware games I reach maxed points fairly quickly, (around half way through the story). I think there may be an answer in a spoiler event, when you have the final talk with the female jedi, (battallia? something like that), and most of what you've done doesn't matter because of that talk.